
Arch Linux

For almost a year, I ran my Raspberry Pies with Arch Linux. The Raspberry needs a special armv6 or armv7 version but it is overall well supported.

The main avantages of Arch Linux are a very recent version of all the packages, a relatively small image footprint and a very optimised compilation of packages. For example it boots within seconds compared to sometimes almost a minute with Raspbian.

On the downside, it is important to keep the OS updated all the time because it is a rolling upgrade system.

But a few month ago, I wanted to add new package and I had to catch-up with the versions of the libraries. In theory, no problem with the command:

    pacman -Syu package_name

The upgrade went well without warning, I rebooted... and the system never ever came back...

Total crash! A first, impossible to boot. After a while, I managed to go the root prompt but hardly further. Knowing that I normally used my Raspberries headless, having to plug keyboard and screen really adds to the pain.

I figured out it would be easier to copy the data and to restart afresh.

Yet, a couple of weeks ago, same scenario... AGAIN!


This time I gave up! In the meantime, Raspbian Jessie was out. Trouble is, it is now a pinnacle of bloatware (at least to use as a pure server).

Anyway, while I was at it, I made the switch to a new OS on a new Raspberry Pi 2. I got stung by the new Device Trees Overlay system when I had to change the GPIO 1-Wire pin but at least I ended-up with a stable OS.



The other day, I discovered a new-ish distribution called Minibian which is basically a minimal version of Raspbian.

It works very well indeed and was exactly what I was looking for. There are a couple of differences between Minibian and its huge brother but nothing bad. Video memory split is for example already set to the minimum and you connect straight to "root".

Transfering the image to the SD Card is business as usual:

dd bs=4M if=2015-11-12-jessie-minibian.img of=/dev/sdc

But be prepared to use apt-get install quite a lot at the begining!

For example, for raspi-config.

apt-get update
apt-get install -y raspi-config

And so on...

    Wifi with ESP8266 - Part 4

    A few months ago, I noticed a very strange behaviour of the ESP8266 modules with my main router.

    And as a workaround, I used a second Router/Access Point while carrying on tests with more recent firmwares. So far no luck. Since the problem is present with AT, LUA & "Arduino" versions, I assume the bug is more on the SDK side.

    Even the latest AT firmware based on the Espressif SDK — 1.4.0 at the time of writing — still exhibits the bug dispite the hopes given with a changelog such as "WiFi compatibility problem of special network card"!

    A few people reported the problem as well, all using a Orange Livebox as the router. This message describes exactly what I noticed and I agree with the explanation.

    Basically, on the LAN side, the Livebox is composed of 3 interfaces, all bridged together:

    • A 4-port wired Gigabit switch
    • A 2.4Ghz Wifi (with its own SSID)
    • A 5Ghz Wifi (with its own SSID)

    And on the other side of the router, a WAN port.

    The ESP8266 modules (using the 2.4Ghz) seem to work with the following conditions:

    • ESP & anything outside the local network => TCP/UDP OK
    • ESP & other 2.4Ghz device: Bi-directional ==> TCP/UDP OK
    • ESP & 5Ghz device: UDP from ESP to device ==> OK, Others (espcially TCP) KO
    • ESP & wired device: Same as above: Only UDP in one direction

    ESP8266 & Livebox

    This sounds a bit like a joke... the module can talk (or can be accessed if port-forwarding is set-up) to anything in the world... but not to a local server!!!


    EDIT (04/09/2016):

    I was recently contacted by someone called Chris who, while trying OTA on ESP8266 found out that newer versions of the "Arduino boards" (aka firmwares) seem to solve the problem. I tried on my side and indeed, the problem seems to disappear with version >=2.0.0 (current is 2.3.0)... (click update on the "Boards Manager"). Glad to see this bug gone. Thanks Chris for this great news.

    New 433Mhz sensors

    La Crosse sensors

    As described last year, I own a La Crosse Weather Station to which I added several additional (TX2 & TX3) sensors.

    Trouble is, as the technology is phased out in favor of a 868Mhz based one, these sensors are harder to come by and are also a bit pricey.


    Unexpectedly, I noticed a news about a firmware update of the RFXtrx433E from RFXCom talking about a well known chinese online shop's version of a sensor. Indeed, I was able to become the owner of a "433MHz Wireless Weather Station Digital Thermometer Humidity Sensor" for the very lucky price of US$8.88 all included.

    433MHz Wireless Weather Station Digital Thermometer Humidity Sensor


    These sensors are apparently compatible with the Alecto WS1700 ones. The protocol was decoded and published on the Pilight wiki and forums.

    It looked simple enough so I decided to modify my Arduino/Digispark script in order to decode it as well.


    Yet there was a catch! La Crosse TX3 protocol uses a variation of pulses on the high level with timing on the low level being almost identical (and ignored by my decoder's implementation).

    For the WS1700... it's the opposite! Hence only a succession of 37 identical 500µS pulses was the only thing seen.

    Also, the signal finishes by a "very long" (~9200µS) Low and, as usual with this kind of device, the whole sequence is repeated several times.

    As an example, the pulses are like this :

    H540 L1890  <-- detect
    H540 L3780  <-- detect
    H540 L1890  <-- detect
    H540 L3780  <-- detect
    H540 L3780  <-- detect
    H540 L3780  <-- detect
    H540 L3780  <-- detect
    H540 L3780 <-- detect
    H540 L3780
    H540 L9180 <-- synchronise
    (and again)
    H540 L1890 <-- check
    H540 L3780 <-- check
    H540 L1890 <-- check
    H540 L3780 <-- check
    H540 L3780 <-- read
    H540 L9180 <-- validate
    (and again)
    H540 L1890

    If we detect at least 8 continous short high pulses, then we know it's not a TX3 sensor but probably a Alecto compatible one and therefore from now on only low pulses will be read.

    The strategy is then to wait for very long pulse, read the full signal, checking the header (~1900µS ~3800µS ~1900µS ~3800µS), and at last validating with the last pulse which should be again a very long one.

    The new algorithm is represented in the following flowchart:



    • The Id, which is randomly generated when inserting new batteries -- same as TX3 -- is ignored... I will assume that nobody else has a compatible sensors around and use the channel number instead.

    • Channel (there is a physical switch to select it) is coded 00=CH1, 01=CH2, 02=CH3. This will be my sensor ID because it is fixed. But to avoid any clash, I add 1001 so CH1=1001, CH2=1002, CH3=1003.

    • Battery will be reported as OK or KO.

    • There is a small button at the back of the sensor to force the emission. Apart for tests, it is not that useful and we can ignore the bit reporting this.

    • Temperature is in 10th of degrees Celcius so value is divided by 10. Negative values are taken care of as well.

    • Humidity is straight out the signal received except if not read properly (0%).


    Code, now compatible with Lacrose TX2/3/4 & Alecto WS1700, can be used on Digispark/Arduino. See the github repository:

    SHT21/HTU21D Humidity and Temperature Sensor

    One of the humidity sensor currently in use, on the Home Automation Project, is the ubiquitous DHT22 also known as AM2302 which came with the AirPi board I installed.

    I don't particularly like it as it has a very specific protocol which need a special C-compiled software to communicate. Second problem, it sometimes crashes. And lastly, I am starting to have serious doubts about its accuracy (specially on the humidity side).


    I discovered an alternative known as SHT21 or HTU21D (depending on the manufacturer) which seems quite appealing as this one use the perfectly standard I²C protocol.

    That said, the chip is so tiny, the only way to use it is mounted on a breakout board (like the GY-21): For around 4€, you get the sensor, the power regulator as well as a level shifter. Which means that it can safely be used with 3.3V or 5V.

    More information and datasheets

    Datasheets and examples in C can be found on the manufacturers' websites:

    Basically, it works by sending a Read (humidity or temperature) command, wait (hold mode) or poll (no hold mode) for the answer and apply a mathematical formula to get the actual value.

    There is a precision setting but the only effect is to reduce the measurement time and since on the default/highest setting it takes less than 50 ms, there is little need to change it.

    Using it with Arduino

    As I wanted to experiment with the ESP8266, I (temporarily) diverted the chip from its initial goal (i.e. replacing the DHT22) and decided to use it on the Arduino plateform. There are librairies available from Adafruit or Sparkfun but I created my own version to include soft reset as well as serial number reading.

    I'll publish it as an example at some point in the future.

    Later, using this chip on the Rasberry Pi with python should be trivial.

    First impressions

    So far, the only small drawback I found with this kind of chip is the fixed I²C address (0x40) which mean there can only be one sensor per bus. But in practice, there is little need for more than one anyway.

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